Fauna in Anthropogenic Environments
Proceedings of the Theriological School, volume 8
Summary. The volume is devoted to existence and survival of fauna
in antropogenic envirenments. Different aspects of fauna research are presented:
methodological issues, reviews of alien species, concept of synanthropes and urbophiles,
levels of species adaptation to anthropogenic factors, trends in historical changes of fauna,
patterns and dynamics of populations, existence of species in urbolandscape and
in protected conditions under indirect anthropogenic influence. Volume includes 37 articles (245 pages) based on results of the XII Theriological School "Synanthropy of Mammals and Fauna of Urboecosystems". |
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Editor's foreword. P. 5. >>> (title page, contents, foreword: pdf 192 kb)
General part
Godlevskaya E., Vishnevskiy D., Atamas N. Synanthropization of fauna: terminological questions. P. 6–13.
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Gulay W. Classification of animals by a level of their adaptation to anthropogenic transformation of environment. P. 14–17.
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Zagorodniuk I. Adventive mammal fauna of Ukraine and a significance of invasions in historical changes of fauna and communities. P. 18–47.
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Seljunina Z., Umanets O. Changes in natural complexes of Northern Black Sea Coast under influence of natural and anthropogenic hydrological factors. P. 48–51.
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Skorohod O., Rusina L. Colour polymorphism of animals in a city: a review of the theme. P. 52–55.
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Vyshnevskiy D. Sex pattern of small mammal populations in the Exclusion Zone of Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant. P. 56–58.
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Volokh А., Каshkareva А. Some characteristics of the embryonic development of Askanian red deer (Cervus elaphus). P. 59–64.
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Volokh А., Janushevska J. About Siberian lemming (Lemmus sibiricus) as a habitant of non-transformed landscapes on Gydanskiy Peninsula. P. 65–70.
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Dulitsky A., Dulitskа O. The squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris exalbidus Pallas) and its present status in the Crimea. P. 71–74.
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Zhyla S. Wolfs and wild dogs: comparative ecology, behavior, and management. P. 75–80.
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Kovalova O., Burdo O., Kobozeva N., Glazko T. Diversity of inter- and intraspecies mutation spectra in some species of mice-like rodents. P. 81–85.
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Мyakushko S., Stepanenko M. Changes in age structure of populations of two species of forest rodents during a long-term dynamics of number. P. 86–90.
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Naglov V. Striped field mouse Apodemus agrarius (Mammalia, Muridae) in Kharkiv province. P. 91–99.
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Тkachuk Y. A present state the lynx’s population (Lynx lynx) in Bukovina and its dependence on influence of an anthropogenic factor. P. 100–105.
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Synanthropes and domestic animals
Gorodna O., Mariutsa A., Glazko V. The population-genetic characteristics of cheep and snow ram on molecular markers. P. 106–110.
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Evstafiev I. Small mammals in settlements of the Crimea: ecological and faunistic aspects. P. 111–119.
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Zagorodniuk I. Mortality of animals on roads: assessment of vehicle traffic’s influence at populations of wild and domestic animals. P. 120–125.
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Zizda Yu. Estimation of a diversity of color forms of the red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in synanthropic and natural habitats in the Transcarpathian region. P. 126–132.
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Savarin A. About the record of Crocidura suaveolens Pallas, 1811 in Gomel city. P. 133–135.
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Tovpinets M., Evstafiev I., Karaseva E. Inclination to synanthropy of the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) based on investigations in the Crimea. P. 136–145.
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Turchaninova V., Maiboroda L. Distribution of helminthoses in town Lysychansk and presence ovocidis in chemicals wastes of local chemicals production. P. 146–150.
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Cheremenykh N. Changes of population density of three muroid rodent species in urban gradient. P. 151–156.
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Fauna and communities
Evstafiev I., Tovpinec N., Lezhentcev B., Al’yanaki L., Ovdienko N., Kostenko A., Lezhentcev V. Fauna of mammals and naturally-hearths infections in Crimea. P. 157–159.
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Zhyla S. Wolf, wild ungulates and cattle at the north of Zhytomyrska province: selectivity of predation. P. 160–164.
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Zenina І. Small mammals of transformed territories of the Central Polesje. P. 165–174.
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Naglov V., Tkach G., Zorya A. Shrews of Kharkiv province, their ectoparasites and epizootological value. P. 175–185.
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Reznik A. Diet of white-tailed eagle in the Luhanska province and role of mammals in the spectra of its victims. P. 186–190.
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Rozhenko N. Feeding of some carnivorous mammals in anthropogenic landscape of the Black Sea region. P. 191–200.
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Ruzhilenko N. Anthropogenic influence at carnivorous mammals within the territory of the Middle Dnieper River region. P. 201–205.
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Sagaydak A., Samchuk M. Influence of pyrogenic successions on game theriofauna of marshes in RLP "Mіzhrichіnskiy". P. 206–209.
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Shpak A. New data on bat fauna of Belarusian Poozer’a. P. 210–211.
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Problems of protection
Borovyk Ye. Dynamics of number of the marmot (Marmota bobac Muller, 1776) at the territory of "Striltsivsky steppe" natural reserve. P. 212–216.
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Dulitsky A. About some terms, problems and practice of reserved business. P. 217–222.
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Kashtalian A., Sipko T., Medvedev I. The role of anthropogenic factors in formation of spatio-temporal and behavioral pattern of the free-roaming Borisov bison population. P. 223–231.
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Parnikoza I. Main potentials of scientists in practical nature protection. P. 232–233.
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Rusin M. To some aspects of reservational successions in steppe reserves (by the example of theriofauna). P. 234–239.
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Timoshenkov V. Rare terrestrial mammals of Khomutovsky Steppe reserve in the conditions of anthropogenic press. P. 240–244.
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Email address of the Editorial Board: mammalia@ukr.net