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Proceedings of the Theriological School. Volume 11

Variability and Ecology of Mammals

українська версіяSummary. The volume is devoted to investigation of mammal fauna of Ukraine, description and analysis of variability of species' characters, age-related variation and differences between close species, analysis of 'problematic' species and their identification, monitoring of fauna composition and action plans for species protection. The main attention is paid to results of investigation and descriprion of records of rare, vulnerable and poorly investigated species. Reports about Theriological Schools-Seminars in 2009–2011 are presented. In total, the volume includes 24 articles, groupped into five sections: «Investigations of variability», «Investigations of close species», «Ecology and monitoring», «Mammalogy notes», «Chronicles and information».


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Proceedings of the Theriological School. l. 2012. Vol. 11. 168 pp.
(Variability and ecology of mammals. Ed. by I. Zagorodniuk. Kyiv, 2012, 168 pp.)

p-ISSN 2312–2749 e-ISSN 2074-2274
download full volume (pdf 11.5 mb) >>>


Title page. Information about the volume

1–2 >>>


Contents. Editor's foreword

3–5 >>>



1. Investigations of variability



Delehan I. Peculiarities of age identification of some cervid species during their census

6–12 >>>

Drobotun O. Aging of white-tooth shrews (Crocidura: Soricidae)

13–15 >>>

Zagorodniuk I. Study of osteological samples of mammals: key craniometric characters

16–32 >>>

Savarin A. Can hybrids of Erinaceus concolor roumanicus х Erinaceus concolor concolor inhabit Belarus Polesye?

33–40 >>>

Stetsula N. Age variation as the factor influencing on the exactness of identification of morphologically close species of mouse-like rodents

41–49 >>>



2. Investigations of closed species



Antonets N. The problem species of mouse-like rodents in the Dnipro-Orilsky Nature Reserve

50–57 >>>

Zagorodniuk I. Distant diagnostics of large-sized semiaquatic mammals of Ukraine

58–62 >>>

Korobchenko M. Variability and diagnostic value of cranial characters of Spalax microphthalmus: comparison with another Spalacidae species from Eastern Europe

63–70 >>>

Polishchuk I. The hillock mouse Mus spicilegus (Muridae, Rodentia) in Ascania Nova and Kherson region

71–76 >>>

Tovpinets N. Theriological collections and aspects of morphological diagnostics of white-toothed shrews, genus Crocidura

77–88 >>>



3. Ecology and monitoring



Godlevska L., Ghazali M., Tyshchenko V. Results of the census of cave-dwelling bats in Podolia and Middle Dniester River region (Ukraine) in 2010–2011

89–97 >>>

Zhyla S. Polissian population of Lynx lynx in Ukraine and action plan on its conservation

98–112 >>>

Naglov V. The long-term dynamics of animals’ rabies virus infection peculiarities in Kharkiv region

113–119 >>>

Redinov K. Mammals in the diet of the long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus) in Ukraine

120–129 >>>

Skorobogatov E., Atemasova T. Features of building activity of beavers (Castor fiber L., 1758) in reclaimed reservoirs of the North-East of Ukraine

130–137 >>>


4. Mammalogy notes



Andrusenko A. The population state of the river otter (Lutra lutra) in the "Buzky Gard" National Park

138–140 >>>

Kozlovsky Yu. On the abundance of Stylodipus telum in the territory of Kinburnska Kosa Regional Landscape Park

141–142 >>>

Taranenko L. The Gambian pouched rat (Cricetomys gambianus) as synanthrope rodent species in Western Africa

143–144 >>>

Tsiupka V. New finds of the Russian desman (Desmana moschata) in the basin of Seim river

145–147 >>>


5. Chronicles and information



Parkhomenko V., Zagorodniuk I. The XVІ Theriological school-seminar “Dynamics of populations and predation” (Polissian Nature Reserve, 2009)

148–153 >>>

Dykyy I. The XVII Theriological school-seminar in Shatsk National Park “Resources of fauna and fauna as resource» (2010)

154–158 >>>

Tovpinets M. The XVIII Theriological school-seminar «Morphological variability of mammals and protection of their diversity» (Kazantyp, 2011)

159–163 >>>

Issues of the “Proceedings of the Theriological School” and Rules for authors

164–165 >>>




166–167 >>>


Email address of the Editorial board:



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