of the Theriological School. Volume 12
Diversity of Mammals
Summary. The volume is devoted to investigation of mammal species diversity and analysis of fauna composition, research on mammal fauna monitoring and status of highly rare mammal species. A special section includes articles on history of mammalogical research, as well as chronicles of theriology, including the report on the 19th Theriological School held in the Back Sea Biosphere Reserve. In total, the volume presents 17 publications grouped into 6 sections: Fauna Research (4), Monitoring of Mammals (3), Rare Species Research (3), Mammalogy Notes (2), History of Science (2), Chronicles (2). Special section "Information" includes 2 matherials from editorial board.
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pages of volumes
volume 27 (2024)
volume 26 (2023)
volume 25 (2023)
volume 24 (2022)
volume 23 (2022)
volume 22 (2021)
volume 21 (2021)
volume 20 (2020)
volume 19 (2020)
volume 18 (2019)
volume 17 (2019)
volume 16 (2018)
volume 15 (2017)
volume 14 (2016)
volume 13 (2015)
volume 12 (2014)
volume 11 (2012)
volume 10 (2010)
volume 9 (2008)
volume 8 (2006)
volume 7 (2006)
volume 6 (2004)
volume 5 (2002)
volume 4 (2002)
volume 3 (2002)
volume 2 (1999)
volume 1 (1998)
Proceedings of the Theriological School. 2014. Vol. 12. 144 p.
Теріологічної Школи. 2014. Том 12. 144 с.
p-ISSN 2312–2749
e-ISSN 2074-2274
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Email address of the Editorial Board: mammalia@ukr.net