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Theriologia Ukrainica

ISSN 2616-7379 (print) • ISSN 2617-1120 (online)

2020 • Vol. 20 • Contents of volume >>>

download pdfGeryak, Yu., Ye. Khalaim. 2020. Detection of secretive mammal species by methods of lepidopterological field research. Theriologia Ukrainica, 20: 132–138.



Detection of secretive mammal species by methods of lepidopterological field research


Yurii Geryak, Yevgen Khalaim


Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians, NAS of Ukraine (Lviv, Ukraine),
Tuzly Lagoons National Nature Park (Tatarbunary, Odesa Oblast, Ukraine)


Theriologia Ukrainica. 2020. Vol. 20: 132–138.




Ukrainian, with English summary, titles of tables, captures to figs


Information is given on observations of a number of mammalian species with secretive lifestyle and nocturnal activity, including dormice, made during field lepidopterological research. The use of artificial light and aromatic sugar bait in entomological research is one of the most effective methods for obtaining rich and diverse ecological and faunal information. In addition to moths (Lepidoptera, Insecta), many other invertebrates, primarily insects, are attracted to light and bait. At the same time, large clusters of invertebrates that flock in masse and converge on light and bait, as readily available food attract a number of mammals with nocturnal activity, mostly insectivores (Soriciformes), bats (Vespertilioniformes), and rodents (Muriformes). A number of species that are rare and lead a hidden way of life are attracted to artificial light and aromatic sugar bait, including species of the dormice family (Gliridae) such as the edible, forest, and hazel dormice. The latter are obviously attracted to the light by the insects. Instead, in case of the use of sugar baits, for edible dormice and yellow-necked wood mice, probably the aroma and taste of the bait is what attracts them, because they were repeatedly seen feeding on the bait. At the same time, bright sources of artificial light are obviously of interest to other mammals. In particular, in this way were noted: hare, fox, European roe deer, and wild boar, as well as such rare mammals as lynx, wild cat, great jerboa, and thick-tailed three-toed jerboa. Based on such observations, as an example, a small overview of new findings of the forest dormouse is given, in particular in areas where this rodent species has not been recorded before, or it was observed very infrequently. This species was noted on traps for Lepidoptera in the highlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians (Chornohora ridge) and in the Northern Black Sea coast, within Odesa Oblast. Thus, standard methods of collecting field material often used in lepidopteriological research, such as attracting by artificial light and aromatic sugar baits, can be quite effective for detecting a number of mammal species of different taxonomic groups, including nocturnal mammals.


methods of lepidopterological field research, mammals, secretive species, new finds, dormice.



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