Sergiy Zaika HOMEPAGE




Author of 10 publications:


  • Zaika S. A new record of Neomys fodiens in Eastern Ukraine // Rarity mammal fauna and its protection / Edited by I. Zagorodniuk. Luhansk, 2008. P. 264–265. (Series: Proceedings of the Theriological School, volume 9). — (In Ukrainian, with summary in English).
  • Zaika S. Alexandr Kondratenko's mammals colection in Lugansk national university zoological museum // Modern museums. Scientific and exposition work (Proceedings of Scientific conference in the Chernivtsi regional museum, 15.05.2008). Chernivtsi: DruckArt, 2008. P. 144–145. — (In Ukrainian).
  • Zaika S .A role of the pellet method in faunistic and ecological researches of small mammal. Proceedings of the National Museum of Natural History, 2008 – 2009, № 6–7. — P. 214–221.
  • Zaika S. Small mammals community in the South-East of Ukraine: analysis of Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) pellets. Biodiversity and role of animals in ecosystems. “Zoocenosis — 2009”: Proceedings of the V Intern. Conference. –— Dnipropetrovsk: Dnipropetrovsk Univ. Press, 2009. — P. 332–334.
  • Zaika S. Stephanodonty in wood mice: presence and variation of the feature in Sylvaemus “flavicollis” superspecies (Rodentia) // Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod University. Series Biology. — 2009. — Vol. 26. — P. 34–36. (in Ukrainian, with summary in English).


  • Zagorodniuk I., Zaika S. New records of rare snake species (Reptilia, Serpentes) in the Luhansk province (Eastern Ukraine) // Vestnik zoologii. — 2009. — Vol. 43, N 3. — С. 266.
  • Zaika S. Dione Snake, Elaphe dione (Colubridae), in the Krasna River Valley in the Lugansk Province (Eastern Ukraine) // Vestnik zoologii. — 2008. — Vol. 42, N 3. — С. 248.

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17 february, 2011