general info about Theriologia Ukrainica

Theriologia Ukrainica

ISSN 2616-7379 (print) • ISSN 2617-1120 (online)

2020 • Vol. 19 • Contents of volume >>>

download pdfKovshar, A. F. 2020. The zoological yearbook Selevinia: an overview. Theriologia Ukrainica, 19: 157-160.


The zoological yearbook Selevinia: an overview


Anatoliy Kovshar


Institute of Zoology, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, Kazakhstan)


Theriologia Ukrainica. 2020. Vol. 19: 157-160.




Ukrainian, with English summary, titles of tables, captures to figs


Since 1993, the first zoological journal Selevinia has been launched in Almaty. Selevinia publishes articles in various branches of zoology, including taxonomy, fauna, parasitology, and many others. The articles published in the journal contain information on the fauna of Kazakhstan and neighbouring countries. Articles on the fauna, as well as on ecology and animal behaviour predominate. In total, 963 scientific works (495 articles, 155 short reports, and 313 notes) were published in the first 20 volumes of the journal (1993–2013), including 132 theriological articles. A bibliographic review of theriological articles is given, in particular about the composition of fauna (3) and on several species of different systematic groups, e.g. rodents and bats (5), ungulates (5), and carnivorans (16). Among the latter, articles on representatives of the family Felidae predominate, such as on the Turkestan lynx (Lynx lynx isabellinus), the caracal (Lynx caracal), the African wildcat (Felis lybica), the snow leopard (Uncia uncia), and the leopard (Panthera pardus). All issues of the journal are freely available online. According to the interlibrary exchange, the journal reaches 63 libraries in 35 countries. Some articles are published in English, the rest having English summary that facilitates access by foreign readers to scientific articles published in the journal. Selevinia issues for 2012-2019 are posted electronically with full access to texts on several websites, including the websites of the Institute of Zoology of Kazakhstan, the Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, and the Kazakhstan Association for Biodiversity Conservation.


Selevinia Journal, scientific edition, Kazakhstan, history of zoological research.



Kovshar, A. F. 2014. “Selevinia” — 20 anniversary. Selevinia 2013, 21: 7–9. (In Russian)
Selevinia... 2020. Kazakhstan zoological journal "Selevinia". Website Kazakhstan Biodiversity Conservation Association. Journal about Nature.
Institute’s publications. Journals. Selevinia. Website of the Institute of Zoology of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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created: 28.08.2020
updated: 31.12.2020

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