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Proceedings of the Theriological School

ISSN 2312–2749 (print) • ISSN 2074-2274 (online)

2016 • Vol. 14 • Contents of volume >>>

download pdfZagorodniuk, I. The “ground hare” in Eastern Europe: Ochotona or Allactaga?. Proceedings of the Theriological School. 2016. Vol. 14: 16–33.



The “ground hare” in Eastern Europe: Ochotona or Allactaga?


Zagorodniuk, I.


National Museum of Natural History, NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Proceedings of the Theriological School. 14 (2016): 16–33





Ukrainian, with English extended summary, titles of tables, captures to figs, and references


The analysis of vernacular names, chronicles and zoological data is carried out. It is shown that the use of nomen “ground hare” is associated with two independent objects. The first one is Ochotona pusilla, described as Lepus pusillus with vernacular names “chekalka” (because of its voice) and “zemlianyj zaitchik” (= ground leveret, because of its lifestyle). The second one is Allactaga major, described as Dipus jaculus with vernacular names “ground hare” and “tushkanchik” (= jerboa). In case of Ochotona, the name “hare” is associated with their similarity to lagomorphs, while in case of Allactaga it is linked with the behavior (jumper). Summarization of data confirms the wide distribution of Ochotona in the region in the past, so the name “ground hare” may be associated exactly with this species. Currently there is a similar reduction in the western segment of the range of Allactaga. It is assumed that in periods of dispersal of Ochotona, the species could acquire economic value (particularly as a possible game species or a possible carrier of plague) and because of that received its own names, among which, obviously, “chekalka” is the oldest one.


Ochotona, Allactaga, ground hare, rodents, Eastern Europe, fauna dynamics.



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