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Novitates Theriologicae

ISSN 2709-491X (print) • ISSN 2709-4928 (online)

2021 • Vol. 12 • Contents of volume >>>



download pdfKanarsky, Y. 2021. Recent changes of entomofaunal diversity in meadow-steppe habitats of northwest Podillia (on example of Lepidoptera). Novitates Theriologicae, 12: 315–325.



Recent changes of entomofaunal diversity in meadow-steppe habitats of northwest Podillia (on example of Lepidoptera)


Yurii Kanarsky (Institute of Carpathian Ecology, NAS of Ukraine, Lviv)


Based on the results of perennial investigations and reference data analysis, an estimation of entomofaunal diversity changes is carried out for meadow-steppe habitats of NW Podillia (Lviv Oblast, Ukraine) on the example of one of the best-known taxonomical groups (Lepidoptera). An approbation of formerly elaborated methods for the monitoring of key invertebrate groups diversity, which indicate ecosystem conditions, was worked out. Complex eco-geographical analysis of species composition as well as retrospective evaluation of several species range changes shows the progressive decline in diversity at the expense of the most unique grassland and forest-steppe faunal elements. The general factors that threaten entomofaunal diversity of meadow-steppe habitats are spatial structure changes because of artificial or spontaneous afforestation, decrease and fragmentation of its area because of economic activities and the impact of climate changes.


Ukrainian, with English summary



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online: 15.06.2021 print: 15.06.2021


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created: 15.06.2021
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