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Novitates Theriologicae

ISSN 2709-491X (print) • ISSN 2709-4928 (online)

2020 • Vol. 11 • Contents of volume >>>



download pdfVikyrchak, O. New data on the expansion of the European beaver (Castor fiber) on the left bank of the Middle Dnister. Novitates Theriologicae, Pars 11: 140–144.



New data on the expansion of the European beaver (Castor fiber) on the left bank of the Middle Dnister


Oleksandr Vikyrchak (Dnistrovsky Canyon National Nature Park, Zalischyky)


Literature and previously unpublished data on the process of recent distribution of the European beaver on the left bank of the Middle Dnister are analysed, including the area of Dnister Canyon National Nature Park. The data show the current distribution of the beaver’s range in the left bank area of the Middle Dnister. It is shown that the beaver’s settlement in the valley of the Middle Dnister at the beginning of the 21st century took place from the upper course downstream at a pace of about 30 kilometres per year. In recent years, there has been an expansion of beavers to the north along the Podolian (i.e., left bank) tributaries of the Dnister river.


Ukrainian, with English summary



Bashta, A.-T. V., L. A. Potish. 2012. Expansion of the European beaver Castor fiber L. in the region of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Biology Series, 33: 144–153. (In Ukrainian)
Buchko, V. V. 2010. Beaver in the Galician National Nature Park. Zapovisna sprava v Ukraini, 16 (2): 70–72. (In Ukrainian)
Charlemagne, N. V. 1949. Beaver in Ukraine. Pryroda, № 3: 73–75. (In Russian)
Panov, G. 2002. Dynamics of habitats and numbers of semi-aquatic fur animals in Ukraine in the second half of the XX century. Bulletin of Lviv University. Series biological, 30: 119–132. (In Ukrainian)
Pilot's ... 1975. Pilot's map of the Dnister, part I. Dniper basin management of waterways, search channel party No. 20. (In Russian)
Sokur, I.T. 1961. Beaver - Castor fiber. In: Sokur, I. T. Historical changes and use of mammal fauna of Ukraine. Published by the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 30–35. (In Ukrainian)
Tatarinov, K. A. 1973. Vertebrate fauna of western Ukraine. Lviv University Press, Lviv, 1–257. (In Ukrainian)
Vikyrchak, O. K., P. M. Ploschansky. 2017. European beaver (Castor fiber) in the National Nature Park "Dniester Canyon". Scientific principles of environmental management of ecosystems of the Transnistrian Canyon. Materials II International conf. PrintArt, Chernivtsi, 103–105. (In Ukrainian)


online: 28.08.2020 print: 31.12.2020


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created: 31.12.2020
updated: 25.06.2021

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