Alexander Kusnez

Alexander Kusnezh

(bats of western regions of Ukraine)



Affiliation: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine) (2018, vol. 16)

Degree: MSc

Publications in PTS (in language published)

Shydlovskyy, I., Zatushevsky, A., Kusnezh, O. Bats (Chiroptera) in the collection of Zoological museum of Lviv University. Proceedings of the Theriological School. 2018. Vol. 16. (in press)

Chaika, Y., Kusnezh, O. Species diversity of bats (Chiroptera) in the Skole Beskids National Nature Park. Proceedings of the Theriological School. 2018. Vol. 16. (in press)

Дикий І., Кусьнеж О., Мисюк В. Фауна кажанів Медової печери (Львівщина) і питання їх охорони. Праці Теріологічної Школи. 2008. Том 9 (Раритетна теріофауна та її охорона): 214–218. >>>


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created: 07 February, 2018,
updated: 07 February, 2018


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